When People Leave Your Church

I read a stat that every 5 years, 46% of the average church body will turn over. If that is true, than let me address this issue we all encounter.  As a pastor, we live within the realm and the reality that people will not be part of the local body that we shepherd forever...

Pastors Prayer

Lord help me today I set out to do your will. To represent you as the spiritual leader of your church and this community.
May I always know a live that my first ministry is to my family. May I never neglect them to build a church a to earn someone’s approval. Help me be the spiritual, loving leader at home, before the church or community...

11 Reasons Why it's Easier Being A Pastor Today

Pastoring has it’s challenges. Without a doubt, it can be overwhelming at times, but also filled with joy and fulfillment, most times. I have given my own thoughts on why it rocks to be a pastor today....